
The license for assets on epics new asset store is insane:

For any Content licensed to you under a Standard License, you may not:
i. attempt to reverse engineer, decompile, translate, disassemble, or derive source code or data from the Content;

HOW IN GODS NAME AM I SUPPOSED TO USE ASSETS I BOUGHT WHEN I CAN'T EVEN DERIVE FUCKING DATA FROM THEM???? Like how in hell am I supposed to load textures and meshes when the only thing I'm allowed to do is to maybe look at them

They DO know graphics cards can do sweet fuck all with a JPG texture, right? Like I /genuinely/ have to translate that thing into a proper format for it to have any use

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    I hope that only refers to software or assets that are meant only for a specific engine, as silly as that would be.

    It also may just be a copy paste job that wasn't actually decided upon by a single human being
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    I think they'd have a problem if nobody could use them without violating the license. Reading/using data isn't the same as deriving data.
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    @cuddlyogre I /think/ they intend this to only mean proprietary plugin dlls you can buy or something, but as it's written it really applies to ALL assets
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    @spongessuck I mean... isn't it? If I read the data, convert it into a different format and use that, that's a derived work I would say

    It's more likely they just wrote some bad license text, which they will update at some point lol
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    @12bitfloat ask them how you use the image without getting at the data. Quote the license. Either they will roll their eyes or tweak the wording. They should know better when a huge amount of their clients will be autists (and lawyers).
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    @Demolishun I already asked in their forum.... Of course unless I am nvidia or similar the chinese slave owners won't care lol

    But I do think they will change their wording in future because it is genuinely retarded
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    @12bitfloat A working representation, even a cached one, probably even a pregenerated and bundled one, is not a derivative work, the same way web content cached by the browser is not a copy for legal purposes. Digital rights are weird and fundamentally broken, but the common approach is that actions relevant to copyright mostly only happen on interfaces and everything inside a single program (unit of distribution) is fairy dust.
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    I think because they say "derive source code or data" they specifically mean unpacking and reverse engineering packages, but it's certainly a bit hazy because, again, digital rights are inherently a mess.
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    @lorentz I see what you mean, that a "representative" work wouldn't be derivative

    But really, just using an asset as is is rarely possible or desirable. If I buy assets I sure as heck want the possibility to edit then, combine them, etc. to use them according to my vision for what I'm creating

    It would be like selling ingredients to a chef but only allowing them to serve them as is, with basically no preparation.... Completely missing the point why chefs by ingredients

    Like I said, I'm pretty sure is this just some very badly written license text (since the entire fab platform launched just a month ago) and they will change the wording at some point. Like it's written it really is very dumb
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    @12bitfloat Maybe. Is the standard license the only one vendors can use on this store, or is it just the default? I think it makes a lot of sense for the default license to grant only the rights that every reasonable asset sold in the store has to grant, because additional rights can be granted but once granted, rights can't be rescinded arbitrarily without a relevant stipulation in the initial license.
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    @lorentz The Standard License really is the /standard/ license, i.e. every asset you can buy is licensed by it
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