
As regular as it is, it's pretty hard to be a programmer and a pc gamer at the same time... You need a good easily portable laptop yet you want a powerful rig so you get a gaming laptop and curse yourself everytime you need to get somewhere with it cause it's fairly heavy and also curse yourself when you paid so much yet you can't play on that much of a high config...
The only good alternative is if you're rich enough to get a slim laptop and a powerful desktop at once

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    @Nanos cause i need my shit to be portable! First year of University i just had my old desktop to code and do assignments and stuff and it was cool but it kinda makes me feel crippled when I'm away from my system... Is that so rare?!
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    @Nanos well i guess if you use a laptop you don't have to be chained:))
    I'm currently working remotely so basically i have no work place and i can't do shit at home so i kinda rather go work somewhere else... Also having a gaming laptop you can do other shit like pc game nights and hangouts and stuff...
    It's basically an advantage but when you have a car :)))
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    @Nanos haha yeah dual screen laptops might be the future!!
    Yeah i know coding on multiple monitors can be great... That's the dream... But i can't live without portability and this is what i can afford right now:))
    And yes i use mouse... Can't even browse with touch pad yet alone code
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    Why would you buy an expensive gaming laptop, when for the same price you can have a good gaming desktop and a cheap portable laptop?

    Last I checked, gaming laptop where way more expensive than desktop with similar configuration.

    Added bonus: you don't have to dual boot, put your unix of choice on the laptop, and Windows to game on the desktop.
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    I guess I’m rich. I have a desktop for games and a laptop for working.
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    @Fradow not really... At least not in my country... A fair gaming laptop is priced equal(if not less) than a good desktop... And by fair i mean sth like lenovo y series not the 8kg asus gaming and so... Those are more desktop that desktop computers themselves:)))
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    @exploreTheC yep... That's the dream... Or maybe as i read the comments, it's the basic developer setup:)))
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    @Unipheas yeah two laptops must be a nightmare
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    @Nanos guess you forgot to mention @Fradow in your comment
    Personally i think it would be ok to have just a windows on a machine you just want for gaming and media (basically everything except developing) and you can always use live linux for the time that shit happens
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    @andishno haha it didn’t happen in one day though. The desktop is older than the laptop and so as you go trough life, you accumulate thing.
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