
My evening: going from 8e-5 seconds to 1.4e-5 seconds.

I'm pretty happy. I'm now 3x faster than the next fastest library available.

  • 7
    So 80 microsecond to 14.

    Still faster than many people ranging in the seconds or even minutes!
  • 2
    I understand that.

    The goal of my regex parser was also to beat the time of others. In some cases it succeeded. Happy about that too but it was a struggle
  • 0
    @max19931 hours for me
  • 1
    @atheist So you decreased from 16.74 seconds to -1.19?

    These numbers doesn't make anysense.
  • 2
    @antigerm22 what? 80 microseconds to 14...
  • 1
    @atheist hum no 8 times the euler's constant - 5 becomes 16.xxx seconds.

    I am not an idiot
  • 4
    @antigerm22 "I am not an idiot"

    yeah, maybe, but there's no word i know of for someone dumber.
  • 3
    @antigerm22 I'll accept you're not an idiot if you accept you're not interesting.
  • 1
    @atheist never claimed to be buddy. My goals are strictly annoyance-related.

    I love thinking about how their sphincter is all clenched reading my words.

    So unclench your ass my brother, life is beautiful
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    @tosensei yes my german friend I am very dumdum. A real clown. My IQ is at least a V.
  • 1
    @antigerm22 clenching requires interest.
  • 1
    @atheist well you do feel clenched. How are your bowel movements?
  • 0
    @retoor https://youtube.com/watch/...

    Here is a drunk politician. We call him daddy.
  • 2
    @retoor @max19931 speed is my thing, but I'm better at math stuff. I'm doing a markup parser and I want to support graphemes, for example emoji like 👩‍🚀 is actually multiple utf characters, 🚀, zero width join, 👩. I'm in python and it doesn't have built-in support for them. There is 1 library I've found that was basically unmaintained and didn't support the latest version of utf, there's now a fork (as of a week ago 😅) that supports the latest version. But the api isn't great. I looked at forking and updating it myself, but it isn't great code. It doesn't have type annotations, no documentation, the code isn't great. It was easier to just rewrite from scratch. So that's what I've done. I've got the basic string chunking working, now need to make the api a bit nicer. I want a grapheme aware string class, so transparent drop in replacement. That's next.
  • 0
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    @retoor https://youtube.com/watch/...

    This one you could understand
  • 1
  • 1
    @atheist speed is also my thing. God thanks it's only 3,- per gram
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