Just got my hand on a new Windows 10 machine and used IE for its one true purpose.

Yet what I saw truly boggled my mind.

Wow. Microsoft truly got an inferiority complex nowadays.

(And I had to smile about the "browse longer" part, given I am on a desktop workstation I no fucks are given about battery live.)

  • 2
    Linus tech tips already made a video on all Microsoft’s claims about Edge, and it was a shitty browser. And it spies on you.
  • 0
    And btw, if you want to use Cortana and web searches from Windows’ search bar, there’s softwares to redirect searches to Chrome/Google.
  • 7
    Well, Edge is not exactly awesome, but I can't really condemn them considering the fact that Google advertises Chrome on almost every Google page via that pop-up in the top right (unless you are using Chrome, of course).
  • 3
    @RedBorg Edge spies on you said Chrome user.
  • 1
    @derTuca haha, true
  • 1
    @RedBorg not only Edge, whole Windows spies on you.
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