
NPM-coin, community driven, distributed, decentralized package mirrors.

Project Type
Open source idea

NPM-coin, community driven, distributed, decentralized package mirrors.

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    @NyxMC, yup, recently we saw npm losing a couple of packages and that has happened before and when they were restoring the packages, the main concern was malicious code getting in. This could avoid, package loss as well as malicious code getting in.
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    @NyxMC, I'm pretty new to this area, could you guide me and tell me what are some possible and viable existing applications or what it can be possibly used for?
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    if you want to learn about blockchain, i have an open source project that im building in ruby with a few others from devrant. you can check it out here: https://github.com/alexdovzhanyn/...
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    @NyxMC Every node needn't store every package. They can store and serve what only the packages they are interested in. Checkout https://ipfs.io/ and https://www.shiftnrg.org
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    @ksdme, so then this NPM-coin is definitely a possibility then?
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    @diavel Yes, it is definitely possible to build such a coin. It could also have some interesting additions such as a lite miner running for x amount of duration everytime one does npm install and paying the amount generated to the author of the library!
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    @ksdme , excellent!
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    @ksdme That needs to be a thing!
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