
Hi, I'm working on an android application which crashes after the line pointed at by the red arrow. When debugging it jumps into an instrumentation file and shows a red toast with this message "The source code does not match the bytecode". What could be the error? Kindly help. Thanks

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    I have no idea what is the error unless you paste in the appropriate logcat message

    The best way to get help is asking in https://stackoverflow.com
    Good luck
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    @Andrian Yes I did that and it didn't help
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    The code loaded to the android device isn't the code you're debugging. Or at least it is what I'm interpreting from the error message.

    Hope this helps
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    @awelxtr It was the same application because I had uninstalled it and re-installed it using Android studio but the problem persisted. I had to undo some changes i had made on some files which took me back a few steps but now I'm back on track. The error just disappeared I don't know how. Thanks for your concern.
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