
My friend is interested in web dev, and I'm a web developer. How can I quickly teach him the important parts and get him up to internship-ready level? He's already graduated college, but only really knows the basics of programming. Learns fast though. What do employers really look for?

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    Have him go through the Odin project and free code camp as well as the web design portions of codecademy. He will git gud with enough html and css to defend himself as well as getting to grips with javascript. He will also get a good idea of backend development. I would suggest looking at the big tech companies around your area, if everyone does php, ruby, java or whatever it will give you a good idea of what to search for. Do not neglect the holly trinity: html css and js as well as concrere fundamental knowledge of SQL: server, mysql, postgre.

    The backend is important, but greatly dictated by your area.
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    @AleCx04 appreciate the response. Any way I could assist, as someone with strong HTML/CSS/JS skills, moderate angular and git? Like other than just answering questions? Lol. Like in a way employers may like to see?
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    @Crazed just by answering newbie questions like how to set up an environment, knowing his way around a terminal or server environment, understanding http etc. The coding part needs to be entirely his deal although you can most definitely help him in the event of getting stuck
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    @AleCx04 you think having like git projects on his GitHub that I can submit pull requests to so he can grow that would be a good thing? Like show him how to commit, push, checkout branches, submit pull requests, etc that would help? He's my main man gotta help him out
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    @Crazed it will help as it would make it look like he has projects worthy of contributions from others. At the same time if the project is too simple employers may not be too impressed. And if you do stuff for him it might do him more harm in the long run. Honestly, to be employable it will take a tad longer. What timeframe are you guys looking at and how driven is he? You can't be the only one putting the effort man, if he has a buddy willing to put the man hours to teach and guide him then that is deff a plus for him, but he needs to be commited. I am talking putting down gaming on the weekends to learn code, spending his free time practicing and such. Practice + theory + drive and perseverance is a recipee for success. Having a gold friend makes it even better!
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    @AleCx04 yeah that's the issue, he's graduated now so he only has 6 months before he has to start paying off his loans and he works at a fast food place. I'm trying to convince him to take out Friday's to have a codeathon with me where I can teach him about web development and good practices since I work in the field, but at the same time he does need the money for his family and such
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    @AleCx04 also I have only been employed as an intern at a big name company for a few months now but I do understand the development process and a large part of the fundamentals so I feel that in person being able to ask questions and get answers would be very helpful
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    @Crazed it would, what did he graduated from? What is his major and what country?
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    @AleCx04 he's also CS, we're both from the US (east coast). But he had a focus in video game development, I had a focus in computing systems (neither are super relevant).
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    1. I'd decide if I want to do backend, frontend or full-stack,
    2. Pick 2 languages if I have the time, one of which must be Javascript. I went with recommendations to use Python as my second language, but future me would have adviced C or Go instead.
    3. Understand HTTP, APIs, and CRUD methods,
    4. Learn a framework (I know, I know. Before arguing with me though, try to remember most job ads list framework proficiency before language proficiency), then build at least 3 projects.

    *I left out HTML and CSS; those are no brainers.
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    Kyle Simpson's books are a great resource to get up to speed fast with Javascript.

    They're free to read online.
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    Start with importance of sudo rf -r /
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