
I was still a 2nd year college student back then. Someone approached me about a personal branding site, with quite a generous fee for a poor student like me.

I took the job. Surprisingly she paid me in advance. About a week later, when I wanted to clear up some requirements with her, she disappeared. Didn't read any of my messages. Didn't respond to my calls, let alone emails.

Some time later, I got busy with exams and college stuffs. Welp, I let go of the project, even erasing the github repo to make some room for new private repos on the way.

A year later (yes you read it right), she came back.

Messaged me on WhatsApp.

"Hey dude, how you doin? Sorry about last time, I needed some time to take care of stuffs.

So how's the website going?".

By that time, even the domain name I bought for her site had expired.

I didn't know what to say, so I just shut up.

"Remember that I paid you in advance. Either finish the site or give me my money back."

  • 4
    Well, it must've been awkward, but not really that horrible, right? She didn't ask for compensations or anything, just either for the product she paid for or her money - seems fair to me
  • 0
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