Week : 60 ( Year 1 )

How is your weekend going?

Previous Week : https://devrant.com/rants/11284450

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    Last week was two weeks ago?
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    @electrineer it was a long week!
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    How was yours OP?

    Mine was the most challenging one I've had so far in my life (thus far). Idk where I'm at emotionally afterwards 😔.

    ((N.B. Not looking to be cheered up but thanks regardless))
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    yup @cafecortado . It was a long one indeed. That's what she said, by the way.

    @electrineer I was kind of out of town last weekend

    @MammaNeedHummus Oh. Glad that you open up. Were you able to overcome those challenges or are you still going through them?

    For me, it was a busy one. I am making it busy filling priority stuffs to cover up the void
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