I'm over here wondering how in the hell this guy can contribute every day like this.

  • 13
    Have you ever heard of drugs?
  • 5
    Maybe it's his job?
  • 7
    People who commit when a method is renamed :D
    Do it 5 times a day, and there u go 😊😂
  • 7
    From what I've seen
    1. Full time open source contributor
    2. Their employer hosts the product on GitHub private.
    3. Solve one programming question a day and push to GitHub
    4. And there are those who push "fix build" 5 times a day.
    5. Aaaand those who push empty commits just for the graph
  • 0
    @SubhrajyotiSen Private repos are not counted for the graph I believe.
  • 4
    @theCalcaholic I think they are now, but you have to enable it.
  • 2
    @SubhrajyotiSen I think creating issues and commenting counts too.
  • 1
    @theCalcaholic They are counted now. It depends on the user if he wants to display his commits to private repositories on the graph. I think it started in 2016.
  • 1
    @shellbug yup. Issues and code reviews count too. But I doubt if people can use that path to get a ton of commits almost daily. My list was restricted to that .
  • 1
    @SubhrajyotiSen @shellbug oh cool
  • 2
    No holidays. Poor guy
  • 1
    You are getting better man and he is getting worse.
  • 1
    - def a_dummy_method
    + def a_method_dummy

    git commit -m "hotfix"

    That's it
  • 0
    he just adds a dot to a file one day, and removes it the next day,
  • 0
    @SubhrajyotiSen Yeah without private repos mine is empty, with private repo displayed its completely filled except for a few weekends.

    Contributions only count for the master of private nonfork repos, and for PRs/forks which are merged back into the main repo.
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