
So I have been offered my first dev job! Excited and terrified at the same time. 🙃

  • 6

    Don't worry! Everything will be alright!

    ...or not ...probably not
  • 6
    Welcome to the world of "Oh man, I fucking love my job!" and "Sometimes I just want to kill myself..."
  • 1
    Congratiulations bro :-)
  • 1
    Good luck and have fun!

    Don't underestimate the value of asking for help with something. They appreciate you for being honest and you will learn something, so it's win-win!
  • 1
    Ayyy, nice, congrats :)

    I got my first dev job 5 months ago, it's been quite the ride, haha... And I'm still alive... Which is a good sign I guess 😂
  • 1
    @Floydian Fuck you testers for making our life miserable.

    just kidding, no offense. We need you, you're a necessary evil.
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