Who here works at Apple in the Finder group. OMG, would you please fix shit? Finder has been such a bag of insects for years.

1. windows don't right-size to any reasonable minimum in icon view when there is one row of icons

2. text color of files and folder names no longer adjust to accommodate background color changes. Setting the window background color USED TO result in white text of the files and folders displayed in that window. Now it is Black-On-Black oh so readable 🙄

3. stop re-locating 0,0 in the god damn folder icon view. Finder items in grid view cannot, by themselves, get disorganized off the grid.

4. Stop moving the god damn folder/disk window locations between open and close

5. stop resizing the god damn folder/disk windows between open and close.

6. stop destroying the contents of clipping files. I get so tired of losing data to mac-unix programmers who think they know what the f they are doing at the file level. Resource forks were rocket science you just could not understand and you have really rolled the clock back on macOS file system to Stone Age 1980s tech.

  • 0
    Good rant. At least you are not one of those who complain about Enter being bound to rename instead of open file.
  • 0
    @Lensflare It does annoy me in how long it now takes to go from click-to-edit on file / folder names.
  • 4
    One of the “legendary golden boys” at $work (the inner circle devs you can’t ever question) used to be “Finder’s Keeper” at Apple some years ago.

    His code is *awful*.
    It’s buggy, difficult to read spaghetti with single-letter variable names, almost no comments, and is rife with security issues and edge cases. (That he plays off because “they’re rare and probably won’t happen” — and when they do, he says the same thing and tacks on “often”)

    But anyway. That’s the quality of at least some of the code in Finder.
  • 0
    The number 2 has been a pain for me for years on my Windows machines...

    Some software just doesn't play well w/ black background color.
  • 0
    @D-4got10-01 I see that you are a fellow member of The Brotherhood of NOD
  • 1
    @Lensflare Indeed, I am.

    Red on black has been my theme of choice for some 20+ years.
  • 0
    @D-4got10-01 One vision! One purpose! Peace through power!
  • 1
    @Lensflare Kain Lives! You can't kill the messiah!

    Yes, good stuff. Kind of terrible what they've done w/ the series by the end, though.

    I've recently stumbled upon this:


    ...but I'm not convinced.
  • 0
    @D-4got10-01 mobile c&c is an insult to all c&c fans!
  • 1
    @Lensflare Precisely.

    Too bad _that thing_ is what they're wasting their time on, instead of making a proper game in the series.
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