If i remember true, it was 2012. april fool day..

me and my co-worker (we were the founders) decided to fool our members (we had a script's unofficial support forum). so, we did the plan. we register another account on march and wrote a few useful messages with it. help guys with that fake account (named as Root).

on fool day, we move the site to hidden folder (but didnt backup it) and added an index file as "hi, i am Root. you know me who am i. i hacked this site and deleted all dbs. cya later" (in turkish of course)

and we sit our chairs, began the watch our messages from facebook,skype,whatsapp etc..

we act like we are in trouble and we cant solve the problem.
at the same time, one of the our crew, decided to help us :D
so, he contact with our server's management crew. they dont know the fool too :)

server management looked up the situation without try to contact with me or my co. and we got an email from server like that
"hello tilkibey and impack, we just realized your site is hacked. so we delete your all ftp and db for safety. please contact with us asap"

we shocked and contact with them, explain the truths and request the recover our site (because we though they backup site before deleting all things). but they didnt backup it :(

so, we recover our last backup which is got nearly 10 days ago :(

  • 26
    So your server management's first idea if someone gets hacked is "DELETE EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY; NO BACKUPS NEEDED"? Seems pretty stupid to me :/
  • 4
    welp, prank gone wrong
  • 2
    Karma.. :D
  • 4
    @Neat of course we changed server after that :D
  • 14
    @Neat Well of course! After all we do burn the house to the ground every time we see a spider in the bathroom right? ;)
  • 3
    Given the year, that could have been the last April fools day of your life of the world ended. Might as well take a good prank to the grave 😌
  • 1
    how about your job after that?
  • 1
    @dante we got a few trouble with a few customer due to deletion of their info but we solved problem that day. coz we always take note to our personal computers (customer mail,phone,reqs,date infos,pay infos etc). thx for asking :D
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