So I just wrote a Ruby script to encrypt some files in AES.

I started it, it's designed to show the key when it's finished. It encrypted 7 files, then Kaspersky pops up and deletes my entire Ruby installation.


  • 26
    #problemsMacUsersDontHave 😈
  • 6
    omg 😄
  • 40
    Giggled out loud haha
  • 32
    Thats why I just use my brain as antivirus.
  • 31
    So you coded a ransomware and you're surprised?? 😀
  • 19
    @nbamaral It didn't have to delete my entire Ruby installation :D
  • 17
    It correctly identified the source that was encrypting files :)
  • 30
    "It was that very moment Jimmy knew he had fucked up."
  • 2
    @octogato I can put it in a gist tomorrow if you want
  • 3
    Kaspersky with sudo power in windows, u can't mess with Kaspersky in his territory
  • 4
    How about using Linux ?!
  • 6
    Kapersky: RaNsOmewArE!!!!!!!1!!1!!1!!!!!!!!111!!!!!
  • 3
    @ParkCity wE haVe tO dElEt aLl rUby oN tHe syStEm!111!!
  • 1
  • 1
  • 8
    The "okeh" made my day, imagining you with a semi-broken smile, sporadic spasms and eyes shaking with frustration 😂😂😂
  • 3
    @Phlisg that's actually probably how I looked like
  • 1
    Well, the metasploit framework is built in Ruby so I guess that's how it rolls
  • 3
    Don't run any antivirus snake oil.

    Assuming this is Windows: just use Microsoft safety tools and that's it. All the others introduce more problems than they solve whilst also creating a bunch of their own.

    For anything else, use brain.exe
  • 1
    Since when is encrypting files ransomeware?
    I actually did create the whole encryption part of one in Go. Didn't get detected by antivirus back then. Was very interesting and informative. I think there are some patterns that ransomeware follows and can be used to stop it. At the very least the AV should stop the offending process or even halt disk access android ask for a ahead instead of deleting your secure backup solution 🤤
  • 0
    @octogato =)
  • 1
    @rantOverflow *sigh*
    Here we go again.
    I use Linux. I do have dual-boot windows simply because I'm an avid gamer and half of my stuff doesn't run in Linux. No, not in Wine.
    Windows has use-cases and software I need that Linux simply cannot provide for me.
  • 1
    Spyware fighting potential ransomware.
    Classic Windows problems.
  • 1
    @d3vnu11 I spend time on games simply because I'm too young to do any real work.
    I know your next question: Yes, I'm learning for school.
  • 1
    7. Files. Are. Enough.
  • 0
    @MilyMilo lmao
  • 1
    Kaspersky? That's a name I haven't heard in a looong time...
  • 2
    Back when I dev'd on Windows antivirus software was a real pain the ass, I often had to deactivate it and once I was fed up and ended up uninstalling it.
    They should put a "dev" option you know for people who actually make use of their PC's.
  • 1
    @Nanos that's nice, I recently decided I don't want to stick with Windows for a long.
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