
When Serbia did genocide, we bombed the shit out of them.

If the UE wasn't a bunch of hypocritical bitch afraid of their genocidal past, we would bomb tel aviv.

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    Because others are doing better ? Has any terrorist attack result in boming said muslim country ?
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    Your answers to crimes against humanity is to commit more crimes against humanity. 🤔
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    @Grumm oh jizz I wonder.

    Did any settler violence happened that could explain the said "terrorist" attack?

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    @Lensflare we're the west. Attrocities are fine when we do it.
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    OCHA reported, from 1 January to 19 September 2023, Israeli settlers and forces killed 189 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and wounded 8,192. OCHA also said on average, there are three cases of settlers attacking Palestinians in the West Bank of the Jordan River every day, resulting in the killing and injuring of Palestinians, harming their property, and preventing them from reaching their land, workplace, family, and friends.[84]

    This is war, the people who died on the 7th of october were just on the wrong time at the wrong place. Kinda like that 9 years old killed by a pager /s
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    @mostr4am I just want to move to a place in peace, not looking at the news for at least 5 years and just cultivate my own zucchinis.

    Everything is just a shit show.
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    @Grumm me too. But I cant. This shit is making my gf sad.
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    Please take your agenda elsewhere.
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    @magicMirror please suck a dick you genocide apologist cunt you think I choosed to have a woman crying in my arms because her friends are dying. Fuck you you fucking normie cunt I hate you. Go kill yourself. Human trash.
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    @magicMirror piece of shit. You're just a nobody watching your screen with an useless job. Fuck you.
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    @magicMirror I wish your laptop would blow up killing somebody you love lmao

    software devs really are subhumans arent they? heartless machine men
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    @magicMirror shove your agenda into your butthole idiot. I never met anybody any smart who used that word.

    What you think I'm part of a conspiracy, retard? I'm working in the shadow to sew communism or something?

    Tell me. What do you think? There's a calDAV for the gay agenda? Fucking idiot
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    @mostr4am so much rage and hatred for a harmless and polite comment. 😔
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    @Lensflare it's not harmless, he's saying I have an agenda.

    My agenda is on google agenda. But he doesn't mean this agenda. He means I am part of a kabale like an idiot.

    He's a bitch
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