The very fact that some people believe in ChatGPT is a joke lmao

Magical programs that talks, yeah sure.

ChatGPT is nothing but a bunch of kenyan slaves in a sweatshop.

  • 5
    just go suck a loaded hairtrigger revolver.
  • 4
    It's a great tool for in the toolbox. Happy it's there
  • 0
    @tosensei dont redirect your anger at me, fool. It's not my fault you believe in some idiot things like "machine learning".

    There's also tools that allows you speak to your dog if you are that naive lmao

    Wait im gonna have a conversation with a banana.
  • 0
    @retoor yeah but it shouldnt be sold as some idiotic AI label. It's just some automated chatboxes with a kenyan. There is no such thing as AI or chatGpt, it's just a regular website and a few digital sweatshop.
  • 1
    @mostr4am I don't bite this bait. Anyway, talking about sweatshops: check this https://youtu.be/VPSZFUiElls/...
  • 2
    It's a good tool to have when you know how to use it properly. I've been using since it was 2 months old and it's saved my ass more than a few dozens of times.

    More than that, I use it not only for work, but in daily life as well.

    - what's that plant <picture>

    - what's that bird <picture>

    - what does the local law say about <problem>

    - how to disable auto-activate feature in home alarm using 15yo control panel

    - how to train a dragon

    - how to disassemble this door handle (no screws)

    - etc.

    It's helped me either directly or by hinting me some search terms I could lookup myself (I usually doublecheck its responses anyways).
  • 1
    @retoor I would love to sell my sweat tbh. Imagine staying in the sauna all day, just chilling and selling your juice.
  • 0
    @netikras there is no tool. You're talking to a dude in a call center in kenya.
  • 0
    @netikras I used it for describing the state of my garden house for example. The response was just freaking awesome
  • 1
    I don't understand people who said that it's useful. The last time I asked it a math riddle it gave me wrong answer confidently. Ask it about ms graph api commands, it gave all wrong answers. Then I ask it about a movie that I remembered the plot but forgot the title. Again it gave me horribly wrong answer, confidently. I would rather ask a brick wall than asking it another question.
  • 1
    @daniel-wu it depends on the kenyan you're getting. Some of them are really good but the conditions are so terrible, if you get a starving one they are less cooperative.
  • 0
    @retoor what bait? Im serious. This wouldnt be the first time a corporation pulls some bullcrap
  • 2
    @mostr4am is it true that everytime you supply a correction to a Chatgpt answer a Kenian gets hit?
  • 0
    @daniel-wu oh, I often asked it for what happened to certain people inside a series if I missed something. It always did well
  • 2
    @retoor i believe they recieve an eleectric shock but its unconfirmed, they usually dont come back alive and there is multiple level of surveillance so no informations comes out.
  • 0
    @mostr4am smart of them. Respect
  • 1
    When you know more than just the basics about a topic, AI is useless. But if you need something that can tide you over until you get a real answer, it's pretty helpful.

    That's why it will take so many jobs. The people that fire you and rely on AI instead rarely understand the subject as well as you do and see what AI generates as indistinguishable from correct.
  • 1
    @cuddlyogre look all Im saying is that they should tell you which kenyan you're getting. I dont see why they hide their operation behind that AI bullshit. It's ok, they are a glorified chat center that answers you in a polite manner for 1$ a day
  • 1
    @retoor Oh it does give correct answers when you provide the movie/tv series title, but it often gives incorrect answers when the movie title name is unknown.
  • 1
    @mostr4am yeah, but it's your fault if you, as usual, are too dumb for anything and therefore completely and utterly misinterpret basically everything.

    or translated to your intellectual level:

    u dumb, lol!!11
  • 0
    @tosensei no u <3 Gehirnverweigerer
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