Somebody stole Ed's nuts...

Was moving my office a month or so ago and had to occupy a temporary cubicle for 2 weeks. In this cube I found a previous employee had left a jar of specialty peanuts. I thought: "You know who needs these specialty nuts? Ed." So I put them in Ed's office. He was gone that week. A coworker says "You know Ed is allergic to peanuts." Me: "Oh yeah, I forgot. That makes it even better!" Ed did get a good laugh about this.

Today I went into Ed's office with same coworker. I noticed the nuts were gone. I said, "Ed, where are your nuts?" He said: "Somebody stole them." So somebody did in fact steal Ed's nuts.

Ed is also the guy who had 3 US quarters on his desk. Someone replaced them with 3 Canadian quarters. Never did find out who did that. Legend.

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    Huh... I'm reminded of problems at my last job.

    Game development company for mobiles w/ lots of phones && tablets.

    A few days / weeks after I had started working there, my personal phone charger went missing...

    Turned out that a GFX artist was in need of one && seeing an 'unused' charger on my desk, he simply took it.

    Some people have problems understanding that if something is not theirs, they can't just take it && use as they please.

    Stuff like that was very common there, unfortunately.

    Cables were in high demand, too.

    Of course reaching out to IT dept., which was also responsible for stocking up on needed hardware, was too much of a hassle.

    Way easier to just take something...

    Fucking hell!
  • 3
    @D-4got10-01 we had some of that shit going too. One the people responsible doesn't work here anymore. Stuff still disappears sometimes though. I leave semi dirty napkins laying around for a reason. Just dirty enough so someone else doesn't want to touch my desk.
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