
If every person never mated a short guy/girl. Then humankind would no longer have short people.

More importantly we need to stop mating with Indians and stop Indians from mating with each other. Boom, pajeet problem solved.

Cut off their punjabi penises using penis falling off vaccines.

  • 2
    Or you could just hang yourself and make the world a better place you racist fuck.
  • 0
    if everybody stopped mating with lice-ridden donkeys, we'd have no more idiots like you.
  • 0
    @tosensei Adolf Hitler didn't fix the race problem just to have long haired faggots like you disgracing it.
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    @kanyewest you can't even write his name right, loser.

    also, if there actually is something as "inferior race", you can bet your worthless nazi ass that you're a member.
  • 0
    @tosensei At least have some respect for your own race if you want to say that, long haired tranny.
  • 0
    @kanyewest nah. i've got a brain cell count above three, so i'm smart enough not to give a shit about arbitrary labels like "race".

    maybe the nomenclature fits you, since obviously you're a whiny little bitch, but i'm a bit above being a dog.
  • 0
    @tosensei how many people need to moan and cry so that you cut your hair, faggot?
  • 0
    @kanyewest the only one moaning and crying is you, and you only barely qualify as "people".
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