Honestly, nothing kills your brain cells faster than doing the same repetitive tasks at work, day in and day out. It’s like I'm just on autopilot—pushing buttons, running scripts, rinse, repeat. At some point, I start wondering if I’m a dev or just a glorified robot.

And to keep my sanity intact? Competitive programming. Yeah, that’s how I free my mind—throwing myself into algorithmic problems during my break time, just to remind myself that there’s more to life than the mundane loop of tasks at work. I’ll take an NP-hard problem over this any day. At least that makes me think.

  • 8
    Programming becomes like administration after a while. You're writing stuff that doesn't make you think anymore. That's why switching of technology often is a good idea. Especially writing Python
  • 1
    automate it?

    if you feel like a robot program an actual robot, duh
  • 3
    Yeah, I have been getting depressed and extremely bored of my current work. My boss is getting me to learn the embedded development side of the code now. I think this will help my understanding of the whole system and get my brain being interested more. The work I do is really fun at times. I guess I need to detect the funk (boredom and disinterest) and find ways to make it more interesting.
  • 2
    relatable, I don't even file like I am good programmer anymore... just doing repetitive tasks which are time-taking but doesn't really improve my knowledge
  • 2
    Rewrite it
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