
That feeling when your gf breaks up with you over a text message because she has a depression and "can't handle a bf" in her life right now. But one week later you find out that she removed you on every social media and that she got a new bf the day after she broke up with you... And it's the boy she's been texting when you were still together.
I wish she would at least have had a tiny amount of respect for me and told to my face instead of lying to my face. Well that was a waist of 2 years I guess..

Sorry for the whining

  • 2
    Sorry dude. But you should have seen that coming.
  • 3
    Well I trusted her a 100% guess you can't do that
  • 4
    Well, at least you've learned the hard way.

    Here, 🍺, it will make you feel better.
  • 0
    Haha ty.
    I hope it does, so that's what friday will be used for
  • 0
    @1989 fuck, yeah it did, and I can't even change it now lol
    Yeah this experience has definitely made it more difficult to trust someone.
  • 7
    Lucky escape if you ask me. The bitch is not worth it.
  • 1
    @BetaUnicorn you will love again
  • 1
    Ty everyone ❤
  • 2
    *hugs* you'll get over it and find a girl who actually respects you :)
  • 2
    Been there, done that.

    All I have to say it's, don't let this fuck you up nor spend a lot of time thinking about it. Improve on yourself and move on.

    If you need someone to talk, I'll be around. In the meantime, keep on coding!
  • 1
    Just Think "Lucky Escape!"
  • 1
    You don't trust until you've got a ring on that ringer and have a pre-nup done.
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    Those unfaithful sluts have a way of reeling you back in over quite a long period... they’re so much fun but also so soul crushing. They teach a man to appreciate stability, though.
  • 1
    Just got through a breakup myself, digitally too. Dude just don't lose faith, there will be someone for you!💪
  • 1
    You can’t really trust anyone. Sometimes not even yourself. She wasn’t mature enough for a relationship yet. You’ll make it bro. Just keep on keeping on.
  • 1
    @BetaUnicorn know what you should do? Take your friends with you... mutual friends invite them to go out or chat with them (and when they ask you what happened tell the story)... eventually she will call you and be mad at you! And you just show her your proof that she cheated on you..... .i.
  • 2
    First : *virtual hug* 🤗

    Suggestive-ish Question : Sure the all 2 years is a waste? I guess you might be able to consider the 2 years as a memory, a chapter in your life. Might involve bad stuffs, should also have nice stuffs. So you didn't waste anything.

    Silver Lining : This is probably better than finding her riding him on your bed.

    Last : another hug 🤗
  • 3
    Again thank you everyone, this is really an awesome community ❤

    @ajfmo i've told them :) and you're right she just texted me..

    @CurseMeSlowly I guess you're right dude *hug* :)
  • 1
    @BetaUnicorn well... what are you waiting to tell us more!?
  • 3
    Well she wrote to me like nothing had happended at all.
    I then told her that she had been unfaithful to me and lied to me straight to my face, but she denied that even though i knew it was true. After that I just blocked her, because i'm tired of getting lied to and you guys made me realize that she is not worth it :)
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