
To all people who thought Python needed a library for dependency injection, fuck you. Idc how much time you invested in your shiny starred GH repo, your overengineered mess is costing both you and my current Jrish team who didn't know better a lot of time with no benefit whatsoever

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    What library? I want to take a look.
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    @Demolishun Any, really. Ours is dependency_injector, but take any other - injector, di, etc - and you'll see a bunch of idyoms for spring boot expats hooked on decorators
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    Same shit with C#.
    Dependency injection doesn’t need libraries. Unless you want to overcomplicate things with ceremonies and boilerplate and add an extra useless dependency to your project.
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    I kinda like pubsub for reducing coupling. I may have to play with injection.
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    @Demolishun DI is a simple concept: implementation comes from an external provider, not the application itself. Everything else is work of the devil. DI is not config files. DI is not arbitrarily scoped implementations (with often a sea of poorly implemented singletons). DI is not adapter hell. DI is not a bunch of decorators.
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    @rarboot I think I do some in C++ with RAII.
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