
I'm BACK! (Just haven't used DR in a looong time cuz I had other jobs and kinda forgot about it).
But now I am back and recently got hired as the IT-support guy for some health centers. The best part is that they had some old systems that needed updating so here I am trying to wrap my head around PHP before throwing myself in someone elses code, someone got any tips for learning PHP?

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    @dfox you seemed to an experienced legit person to give tips on PHP
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    Welcome back dude
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    @github Thanks my dev
  • 1
    Good to have you back!
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    It reminds me about my last job, also as an it-guy at a health center, had to do an appointments app using php because the one that they had didn't work (was an Fox pro crap), when I finished the only thing I've got for that was recovering my love for programming, then I quit because was low salary for too much work, and they still using that app that I did 😂😂

    Hi from venezuela and welcome to devrant...
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