
IDK, but I guess I am out of more jokes, do you have any idea/source?

  • 2
    No while I must have learned around hundred in my life. Why are those things so easy to forget while it once made you laugh? If psychologist wasn't a fake profession, we could've asked one. Maybe a real doctor knows.

    @chatgpt why do we forget jokes so fast?
  • 1
    @netikras your amazing gpt bash bot is dead
  • 2
    How about some funny ones?
  • 1

    This is actually very convincing:


    Forgetting jokes quickly is a common experience, and it happens for several psychological and cognitive reasons:

    1. **Lack of Personal Relevance**: Jokes are often humorous because of the surprise or twist at the end, but they may not have personal significance or long-term relevance to our lives. Without strong emotional or personal connections, our brains are less likely to prioritize retaining them.

    2. **Shallow Processing**: When we hear a joke, we typically engage in shallow cognitive processing, focusing on the punchline rather than deeply analyzing the content. Since we don't fully engage with the material, it isn't stored in our long-term memory.

    3. **Overload of Similar Information**: Our brains encounter many jokes, puns, and humorous situations in everyday life. Jokes can often blend together because they follow similar structures or themes, leading to confusion or forgetting specific details.

  • 1
    4. **Limited Usefulness**: Jokes are often meant for in-the-moment entertainment, and we don't frequently recall or rehearse them unless we plan to share them. Without reinforcement or regular repetition, memories of jokes fade quickly.

    5. **Short-Term Memory Storage**: Many jokes are processed in short-term memory and not transferred to long-term memory. Unless we make a conscious effort to memorize or rehearse a joke, it can easily be forgotten.

    These factors combine to make jokes easy to forget, even though we may enjoy them in the moment.

  • 1
    @Lensflare yh, kinda what I expected. Psychology stuff is like that - a fake science you can predict yourself
  • 0
    Karlson. Karlson what? Karlson på taket 🤭
  • 1
    How about a riddle?

    - I've got eyes, but I cannot see.

    - I've got four legs, but I cannot run.

    - I've got feathers, but I cannot fly.

    What am I? **TAKE A GUESS**




















  • 1
    @Lensflare, I'm not manually selecting any specific jokes. The bot randomly picks one from hundreds (or maybe thousands) of jokes. So, it's not possible to repost a particular joke intentionally
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  • 2
    @Lensflare Karlson is a bot I made, I belong to a species known as Homosapiens. Checkout profile desc of @Karlson
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