
rust programmers are truly not creative people. instead of making their own shit, they enter others code and projects and try to infest it with rust. that's the whole reason they keep rewriting things that existed before. they just cant create!

  • 1
    i can live with that. Especially if it angers people like you.
  • 2
    Still more creative than your attempt at bashing rust.
  • 1
    @Lensflare yeah it's a rant! you know, devrant?!
  • 0
    @mk3000 yeah, a silly one
  • 0
    @mk3000 did you know C coder were twice as likely to be sex-offenders as the general population?
  • 0
    @mostr4am that’s disturbing!
    Did you know that js developers are fifty times as likely to be morons?
  • 0
    @Lensflare come on bro I wasn't talking about you don't take it personally.

    You dont need to be a sex-offender, you handsome cunt
  • 0
    @mostr4am I know you wasn’t talking about me. Bullshit doesn’t need to be personal to be bullshit. I don’t feel attacked, just triggered by bullshit :)

    I simply pulled out a silly claim out of my ass just like you did. 😉
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