
fuuuck, I overslept today, and I have to introduce a new team nember today and I will be too late in office because of that.

OK so i take a shower, and brush my teeth and get my clothes on in under 5 minutes (which is actually very fast for me), run for my train, just made it into it, get to the next station where I have to switch trains, and then it hits me again: 8 minutes delay, OK that made it even more bad than it was vefore, because I will miss my train on the next station where I again have to switch.

I will now end up 45 minutes too late in the office, only because I overslept. I hate me

  • 6
    I overslept tho also, I got kicked off at home station because I somehow broke the train doors as they closed on the bottom edge my bag and I just pulled it in...

    So I guess you're not alone today :p
  • 9
    Instead of rushing, write a mail stating you will be late by <enter realistic time plus buffer> and then go as you would any other day. Don't hurry.

    You'll be late soon enough. Stop worrying and hating yourself for stuff you cannot change. Just try not making a habit of being too late and you will be fine.
  • 2
    When I really need to hurry, my shower takes "only" 15 minutes.
  • 1
    One of my important life rules: you're only late when you get there and actually are late. So many times I thought I was going to be late, but when getting there I found that whatever I was going to was rescheduled, cancelled or people were flexible and could wait or work without me.

    That's not to say you won't make a certain impression, but still, what is the worst that could happen? As long as you communicate, most situations can be adapted.
  • 1
    That kinda happened to me today. Except that I woke up 2h earlier than normal, but ended up messing with my cat for way much time
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