
Shit morning, I work in tech, so I guess it is related haha.

First, I wake up and it is cold. Like -12 degrees Fahrenheit. With wind-chill, feels like -29 according to Google. Then, while getting ready for work, my only belt breaks. Not a little, but literally splits in half! Fucking sucks, as my pants keep partially falling down and my shirt keeps untucking.

I go out in this cold that could kill a polar bear, go to start my car. Can you fucking guess? Dead fucking battery. Fuck! Now I am super late to work.

Make it to work, and guess what? My manager just promised 100% completion by Friday, and we are weeks behind! Fucking sucks... I think my coworker snapped, as he keeps hyperventilating at his desk for no reason. Oh and our best coder just quit...

Waiting to either wreck my car or find out my dog is dead when I get home...

  • 1
    @owithg Take my upvote, sounds like you could use it lmfao life sucks...I take it real world is even worse than college. Only one thing left for me to do - kms lol
  • 1
    I would quit if that was my manager. I keep reading stories about managers who over-promise on the backs of the devs and I don't know why anyone puts up with it.
  • 0
    Don't die doggie :'(
  • 0
    But do you use scrum?
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