
Typescript is a bit like putting lipstick on a pig..

That's it

Well ok PS damn kids get off the grass damnit

  • 3
    Yes, but I do really enjoy the type system.
  • 2
    @Ranchonyx TypeScript's type system is like a drug.
    You end up spending way to much on it 😅😅😅
  • 3
    You're both beyond help ;) sickos
  • 1
    @jbowwww I have known that for a long time now.
  • 4
    It's more like bathing a farm pig. With enormous effort you can clean it up, but it'll actively seek out mud and roll around in it if you ever forget to lock the door. It also has 100 friends that might not have taken a bath and want to hang out.
  • 1
    @lorentz facts 👌
  • 2
    A scripting language is for writing scripts. IMO, the back-end is not a script. It's a program. It should at least be done in a VM language like Java or C#. Front end issues like handing click events are for scripts.

    End of story.
  • 1
    @mostr4am when your dealer starts selling you es6 decorators, and worse, claims they can help you leave the simulation
  • 0
    I think scripting languages shouldn't have types. For types we already have other languages. I don't do types in python either. It's just crazy
  • 1
    @retoor I'm literally raging right now and last night and lots of times ... TS demands spending 10 times longer just sorting types .... so it can type check
    .... against the types I told it .....

    Combine that with constructors and prototype and JS's inherent vaguely...

    Yeah I stand by my lipstick on the pig comment 😂👍
  • 0
    @jbowwww yh, that comment is good. It's fine that it's a pig. It should stay the way it is
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