1. Learn Kotlin
2. Actually sit down and push through machine learning.
3. Finish integral calculus and start multivariable calc.
4. Work on 1 project until completion.
5. Socialize a bit more.
6. Obliterate bugs.

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    Look up a tool called weka. It's a pretty cool machine learning tool. Might point you in some directions you may not have thought about studying for machine learning. Not sure but I think it's open source.
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    @projektaquarius Thanks. Super appreciated!
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    @ThaOneDude no prob. They use it a lot in academia so not sure how useful it is for practical purposes, but I like it. We used it a lot in my machine learning classes in grad school.
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    You should also add a more likely bullet:

    - Cure cancer
    - End world hunger

    That sort of thing!

    Good luck though!!

    P.S. : Weka is nice I've worked with it back in my RnD days but do also try tensorflow
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    Just a bit of info; I'm a average-speed learner. I know Java very well. For me, the switch to Kotlin was surprisingly quick. I made a point to see how long it took to become comfortable in it. It was only 15 hours. So if you know Java, just make the switch. You will earn your time back tenfold.
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