
Well, after about a grueling week of messing about with android and firebase and let's not forget that !gorgeous Google documentation, I managed to push out my first app!

It's based on Learn X in Y minutes, which I am a really big fan of, and it's basically a mobile reader version of it.

It's available here https://play.google.com/store/apps/...

And the source code is also available here https://github.com/modelorona/...

I welcome any critique. I'm positive there's some stuff wrong in there, would be obvious to you but not me :)

And happy late new years! I actually released the app at 3:50 am yesterday :D

  • 0
    @BagarraoEduardo thanks! I hope your transition goes smooth. Are you using any other features besides the database?
  • 3
    Nice! Shame it’s only android though :/
  • 1
    @zacg unfortunately I've not got a MacBook to get that iOS build (unless there's a way on windows/ubuntu that I'm unaware of)
  • 2
    @wahr Ah, fair enough. Though depending on what you’re using to make the app you might be able to compile for iOS even still
  • 0
    Crashes when i press the about button and shows a blank page afterwards even after cleaning it out of memory.

    Also can i ask what exactly did you need firebase for?
  • 0
    @BindView only really the database. That's what I was interested in to begin with
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