
I want to generate video clip for my music with IA. It's a bit of a dream come true tbh. I always wanted to be a music producer. Now i just have to become a good one.

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    with IA?

    irtificial antelligence?

    also: you'll never be a good _anything_ if you rely on AI.
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    @tosensei yeah i dont wanna be good at slicing or spliting samples. Every idiot can do it, that's why I give it to IA. It's repetitive as shit.

    Same thing with videos, I don't want to become an animator, I just need a cheap solution to create images to supplement my art, not replace it.
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    @tosensei plus come on these days you can make justin bieber sounds like kurt cobain if it's your fantasy, how can you not use that creatively
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    @mostr4am "Every idiot can do it" - apparently, you can't. so by deduction, you're less capable than "every idiot".
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    @tosensei omg I AM doing it already, retard. It's just faster.
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    I think amazing stuff will be created using AI. It's possible to be good with it. Maybe all you need in future is taste for things and some prompting
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    @mostr4am will you do that with the site you sent me? Could it generate a full 3 minute clip? What's pricing for such?
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    @retoor yes! It cost 10$ for 50 seconds at 10fps iirc, so not cheap but I'll embrace it through a garage aesthetic and mix it with footage of old movies
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    @mostr4am you're rich bitch anyway
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    @retoor im not lmao i live in brussel
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