forgot how much i hate react

  • 2
    Angular FTW
  • 0
    It sounds like a good title for an AI song:

  • 0
    Your react shun when?
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    @Jabb03 I seriously considered throwing myself from the fourth floor when I was doing Angular lmao
  • 0
    Whats wrong with react? It just flows down
  • 1
    I was there too. Found out it's pretty all right, but if you inherit someone elses spaghetti it's a royal pain in the ass. If you build your app from the ground up or if someone with half a brain did it right before you took over it does the job well.
  • 3
    @mostr4am i wanna puke when i see html and css inside js files
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    @darksideofyay it's an aquired taste, like coffee. Like the rest of us, you have trauma because of PHP, but it's nothing like PHP.

    JSX is just a small translation layer in top of JS, not an entirely new language who threat HTML as strings. It's not templating, it's the opposite.
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