New years eve plans:

Partying with friends ✖
Getting wasted ✖
Shooting fireworks ✖
Reading godot documentation ✔

  • 0
    I hope you read the docs for 3.0
  • 1
    Oh man I envy you... I wish I could read Godot docs now
  • 0
    @sudorm-rf wasnt aware there is a 3.0
  • 0
    For me Its just another day. But a really good another day to set shit tons of personal goals.
  • 1
    @BindView it's not out yet but it will be released soon. It's just not worth to learn 2.1 because many things changed. Just select "latest" at the bottom left of the docs page
  • 0
    @sudorm-rf ah thanks. We just got funding for our game studio and i thought godot would be good for our first release
  • 1
    @BindView it is, no doubt
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