
The IDE discussion started again today. I am not an advocate of Eclipse but I didn’t find any compelling reason to switch to IntelliJ either. Maybe...just maybe I should try but that would mean just trying to be cool and I don’t know if it actually makes sense. So here’s how it went:
Me: okay give me one big reason why you want me to switch out of Eclipse.
Guy: slams desk and screams: Because Eclipse is slow! IntelliJ is fast and the community edition rocks
Me: in what way
Guy: oh come on. In every single way. I would rather choose notepad than Eclipse.
**curls into a ball and dies**

  • 5
    Try it out and see if you still want to come back to eclipse (I doubt imho).

    People usually get attached to their tools and like to ignore things being easier on new tools, as they are a veterans on the old one already.

    Intellij wasnt out when eclipse was, so the todays choice will fall most likely to intellij, as its much more easier/familiar to todays devs too.
  • 3
    For me, Eclipse's lack of multi cursor editing is already a deal breaker. IntelliJ also has out of the box VCS support, and I really like their diff editor. Also, the completion is better. Also, its look doesn't make me want to scream, which is a plus in my book 🙂
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