"Hey guys, i don't have any clients on the website"
"Yup the new guy drop the database"
Goodbye Holydays ...

  • 7
    and why don't you guys have any backup? Shouldn't you do daily backups?
    For that particular reason, we go with Azure SQL Database, a point in time restore and no need to worry about storage getting full cuz of backups
    I know there are alternatives but we just use their stack for backend stuff
  • 10
    @gitpush more like why the fuck is the intern / "newbie" able to fuck with the database / has access to production at all?
  • 4
    @Kimmax it that too exactly
  • 3
    @Kimmax @gitpush
    Don't know why either guys i'm personally working on the Front side of the project
    But apparently he used the computer of a senior dev on holydays cause his own computer still not here
    We had a save so we could restore it
  • 2
    @AdrienITTS oh that is great, or else no one will be sleeping tonight :P
  • 4
    @AdrienITTS your security is pretty fucking doomed if you just need access to a specific pc to be able to access all the things
    At my place you need an OpenPGP Card plus your password just to login and critical servers need special access groups in ldap. Very critical servers need your password, your OpenPGP Card and a token generated from your phone to login.
    You should propose implementing something like that to your seniors too.
  • 2
    We have password, dynamic tokens, and also groups with Ldap.
    But when you just give the computer AND the fucking personnal account of the senior dev (just learned this fucking joke.) to someone here to learn, you just shoot yourserlf in the head.
    The one who decided to bypass security and protocols is the one at fault.
  • 2
    @AdrienITTS well the dynamic token still could be expanded in it's use case than. Simce I suspect the intern didn't call the senior like "Uhm yeah, it's the intern, would you mind generating me a token so I could drop the fucking production database?"
    Many fuck ups here, glad you were able to recover
  • 3
    So many new things for me here, login token for server account, ldap? I'll ddg for them but if you guys have a link where I can start it will be great :)@Kimmax @AdrienITTS
  • 3
    @gitpush LDAP -> Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, should say it all. Distributes your logins over many servers, like a Microsoft AD.
    Tokens are generally used in 2Factor authentication. So when you login, you need that token generated cryptographically by your phone or other special hardware to be inputted while logging in
  • 3
    I don't really understand how someone accidentally drops a database.
  • 2
    We use a type of hive database, we don't except any drop request and all change or deletes are updated in a hive connected server that process the changes, and once an hour a tech has to approve the merge of the main server and change server into one hive again, this way any accidents can be easily reversed
  • 2
    The new guy's name must be Bobby Tables
  • 1
    Been there. Apart from all the agony and pain, I still laugh at that. I don't understand. I mean what in fucking God's name were you thinking when you dropped it. You actually have to take that extra effort to type those words in sequence. Why would you ever do it😢
  • 1
    @Kimmax I see, thanks man much appreciated :)
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