
Anyone heard about Progressive Web apps?

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    @jAsE I was learning about it.
    I am wondering its use cases.

    Using workers offline and Syncing when online. How much can that be used?
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    Omg, how did pwapps get so fancy all of a sudden! I remember devving "pre-pwapps" when ios added their meta tags, then came service workers!
    Its a great technology, I love it! It actually makes a lot more sense than just web apps!
    I wish you the greatest learning this tech ;)
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    @WebRant didn't know Flipkart uses PWA.

    But, if there is no internet, there is no use of just seeing the shop items.
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    @WebRant more sort of smooth experience.

    Only useful when internet goes out and comes back after sometime like under tunnels, WiFi off by mistake and immediately turning it on, etc.
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    Isn't that so 2016 already? 😂
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    @bdhobare well. Just figuring out it's useful.

    The duration of service workers running offline and the amount of features it can deliver in that state.
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    Sounds like new jargon for old concepts... email pioneered this idea (maybe even some forms of it in bbs or Usenet clients before that). That said, people rejected the pop3 ‘moving the data off server’ paradigm for the more powerful features of IMAP... But, in all honesty, you guys seem to know more about this than I, so I may not be seeing the whole picture clearly for this comparison; I just know technology tends to be cyclical
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    @agaskins I am new too.
    I have no idea what POP3 and pwa have in common.
    Will look for some articles about it.
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    It's cool
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    @SuryaK why so? U tried it somewhere?
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    @github not a web dev, so haven't made one. But tried it. Google IO website
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    Also currently working on a project that would probably have a pwa client
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    @SuryaK Oh. Sounds interesting.
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