
I’m so impressed how well this little console can run L.A. Noire. It’s just unbelievable

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    I'm impressed that the absolutely massive world + story can even fit on the little game cards that they use.
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    I was going to buy Skyrim for it. But got worriee about how it would be performance wise. Got it for ps4 instead.
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    It can probably run things better than my laptop. I have a really cheap and weak machine...
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    @BitFlipped They don't. L. A. Noire is about 30GB big and the card only holds 16 of them which requires the user to download an additional 14 gig.

    They even tell you on the cover that you should have a SD card because of the small internal storage of the switch.

    The higher capacity cards eat up too much of the sales margins.
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    I mean I’ve downloaded it from Nintendo Store anyway
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