I've come across this website:
GitHub Profile Roast

It told me that I should delete my github account and find more interesting hobbies. I agree.

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    lmao, it uses your profile to identify your source of pride and then attacks it. The roast it gave me was kinda meh. Told me I'm inferior for being self-taught and retarded for handrolling assembly, basically. Bit of a dumbass take.

    Now, I know I'm supposed to take it as a joke, but I'm almost tempted to absolutely violate his site with a $5 fasm program, just to prove my point. Almost, clearly it's not worth it.

    OR IS IT?!!
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    Nice find! 😂
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    It said I must be avoiding people because of low interaction: true. Also tried to roast my follower count and projects rating. Doesn't work if I am avoiding people. Seemed pretty accurate.

    It specifically called out the YourMom project as being a reference to outdated 90s jokes. Umm, yes, also true.
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    @netikras It's time to take those "dagger.io modules" and stab your ego – because clearly, nobody’s interested in what you’re putting out.
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    @electrineer good. They are not for the public :)

    I'd put them in a private repo, hech, I'd move them to the project's BB repo, but dagger only supports public gh repos for inline module loading... 😁
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    Your repository titled "**" is a desperate attempt to fit a text editor into less than 1000 lines of code, which is impressive until you realize that it probably contains the functionality of a brick. And speaking of your projects, working on forks of existing repositories instead of creating original content doesn’t scream “innovator”—more like “stuck in the past.”.

    It was actually a nice project, I added Lua extension support to the kilo text editor so you could write plugins.

    The roast was nice
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