Thanks @dfox for adding the double tap to upvote feature, I mean, bug. You're a saint

  • 33
    you're gonna get a ton of ++'s just from people trying to reproduce it, haha.
  • 61
    @lreading it works in comments too
  • 15
    ha! "Undocumented features" ftw!
  • 28
    Haha thanks!
  • 14
    @tisaconundrum And you did it again in The comments! Oh my god, you're a genious, I mean, Troll.
  • 4
    @lreading doesn't work
  • 6
    @mxdpeep it does! Try 👇
  • 3
    Why do I keep seeing this post with the new algo @dfox ?
  • 3
    @epse even after you viewed it?
  • 2
    @dfox yup. At first I thought I was seeing it again because I hadn't viewed it since the new algo. So I opened it. Then it popped up again. And again. Never at the top, generally the second "page" but it is always there.
  • 1
    @epse and it still shows up right now if you refresh the algo feed and scroll? I looked in the db and it properly reflected that you viewed it and scrolled past it.
  • 2
    @dfox gone now. Weird. Feature?
    Also, the Android app has a tendency to only start on second try. Never on first. Or I launch it, instantly closes (no error), launch other app, devRant pops up over other app. Android Marshmallow. Sorry for bugging you (pardon me the pun), didn't find an issue tracker.
  • 3
    @epse and dfox is gone with the wind on this issue 😂

    jk dfox, I know you're a busy man
  • 5
    @tisaconundrum fixed in the last update though
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