My boss wants to put an Amazon Echo Dot in the conference room. So I suggested covering it with a cheese cover (those glassy dome thingies). He thought it would be an artsy statement, but I was actually worried about privacy.

Anyone have any experience with listening devices in the workplace?

  • 5
    Any large company should already prohibit their use, especially in a conference room where proprietary and even secret information is being routinely discussed. If a company doesn't prohibit it, then the decision makers are just ignorant.
  • 1
    It also has no utility there. What are you going to do with it during a meeting? Order a doll house? 😄
  • 0
    To be honest, i've seen extremely helpful voice assistants in a conference room (and Amazon is putting a lot of effort into marketing echo dot for enterprises). They can setup meetings, change room reservations, display slides and more.
    And to be fair, echo dot and home mini do have a mic off feature (i'm just hoping it actually turns it off)
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