
ahh... i love reading posts like these.... dumb tech noobs...

Oh u dont like the UI in Android? well just fucking change the launcher...
But ur going to switch cuz they purposefully crippled ur old iphone even though u bought a new one anyway (because u actually really just wanted it)?

  • 18
    For a bird in the cage, Flying is always a sickness. 😂✌️
  • 0
    This doesn’t affect Android because you are pretty much stuck with the OS installed when you bought the phone.
  • 2
    @helloworld aren't u mean ? I use LineageOS, and there are many variants of the stock ROM I can choose from.
  • 0
    @kxspxr in Soviet Russia, apple fucks you
  • 1
    How can anybody think any iOS UI looks better than stock Android. Probably used to playing with TouchPiss Samsung phones.
  • 0
    @Hastouki I can and do, it is far better UX/UI in my opinion.
  • 2
    @helloworld ios UI is just a launcher away in Android. Whatya say? We got better 😂😂
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