!dev related

With how smart programmers usually are it's really surprising to me that there's still a bunch of racism, sadly even here on devRant every now and then...
Is a not being racist that much to ask for?

  • 4
    nah it's just that bitch jestdotty, she's just salty that she got called out for her blatant racism. When she couldn't handle it, she quit Matrix group.

    I made sure to put that bitch back in her place.
  • 8
    Unfortunately, being smart and being racist are properties which are not correlated.
    Also, being a dev doesn’t mean being smart.
  • 2
    Don't forget that this is just another one of those troll accounts. Read the rant history if it wasn't clear.
  • 0
    @godisded Fuck yourself so hard till you bleed to death, trash.

  • 0
    @electrineer Huh? What do you mean?
  • 0
    Is this a weird attempt to equate whiteness with racist? Why mention white at all?
  • 0
    @Demolishun Because usually it's them who's racist? By a LARGE margin.
  • 1
    @EqualityCoder lol. gotta visit other countries. maybe if we are talking american thats true.
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