Am I the only one who treats projects, products and code as people, and talk to them e.g. This is what I said recently to my executable "are you fucking kidding me? " and my fellow developer got confused whom I am talking to

  • 1
    I do it. Code, laptop...
  • 2
    I have often thought of ways to kill my code
  • 2
    We work in an open office with around 8 devs directly around me, I've noticed most devs do this. Especially when they're in the zone.

    Some of the things I hear (some are mine too):

    "Are you serious?"

    "Why would you do this to me?"

    "Oh no you did not just do that"

    "What you got now? huh?"

    "Hey! Stop doing that"

    "You bastard"
  • 1
    welcome to the club :P
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