
What that thing we can't live without?
Normal people: air
Me : Stackoverflow

  • 0
    I can't live with stack overflow.
    It's not as helpful as it used to be.
  • 2
    Common, you really can complete a project with out sof?
  • 1
    I'd rather not. It's filled with jerks, so I stopped using it a long time ago.

    They downvote everything, they act as rude as possible, and they never answer the question.
  • 2
    I think you had some bad experience.
  • 1
    I guess so, but I'd rather search it up and figure it out myself. The users practically scared me away from going back on SO lol.
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    @Michelle I kinda get what you mean, they can be real jerks sometimes. Now personally I've only asked 1 or 2 questions and as far as I recall there wasn't really any rude people, but I don't think many people saw them. However on other posts/questions I saw pretty rude comments and I sometimes get pretty pissed off when I see them marking stuff, off-topic or whatnot, yeah of course there has to be order, but a lot of times it really doesn't matter. Like who gives a damn of it's slightly off-topic or whatnot.
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    I never post things off-topic, but if someone ever does, they better run away because the SO police will kill them for it.
  • 1
    @Michelle Ahahaha yeah
  • 0
    Normaler people:food. Fuck air.
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