
Memory Lost!!

  • 3
    Typical software engineering for Italian administration...
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    @drdanz the best part is that the rest of the screen works without any problem, where are you from? I'm from Macerata (Marche)
  • 1
    That looks like Amharic in the left, am I right?
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    @Niro ahahah, well, the effect is totally casual. I've probably moved the phone while taking the photo
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    @HAlex it's great to see a fellow "Pistacoppi" here in dev rant. The most amazing of things, actually, considering I'm from Castelraimondo as well and I immediately recognized the photo you posted. How amazing is that? Ahaha
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    @andrea-marcelli ahah that's cool, one thing that isn't right (and I'm sorry for this) is that I'm not from Castelraimondo but from Sforzacosta (Macerata) 😆
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    @HAlex ahaha that's alright, two Pistacoppi on DevRant is an amazing thing, I'm not disappointed at all 😂. I admit I got all excited for one moment though as I don't live in Castelraimondo anymore 'cause I work and live in Arezzo, and that sign you posted used to puzzle me a lot and this time, it reminded me of home. Nice one (thanks for the memories 😂)!
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    @andrea-marcelli ahah, you're welcome! Good staying on devRant!
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