
3 Years into coding and I still have no fucking clue on what 99% of the lines in a sample code means. And I'm already 18 Years Old... Beginning to think this line of work isn't for me T_T

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    First off lemme welcome you to this beautiful community!

    Hey look, you gotta try various things you know, some are amazing at application development some are awesome at web development. You gotta find your thing, and whichever language interests you, you should spend time in it, read docs, try a bunch of examples to get hold of it. Maybe try to implement something of your own, you'll make a shit ton of errors and mistakes but hey, that's how you learn! Honestly.
    So once again don't lose hope, keep trying and I hope you have a wonderful holiday and Merry Christmas :)
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    "already 18"

    You still have all the time in the world ^^ and really, just do what @g-m-f suggested: pretend and learn in the meantime, that's what I did as well
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    "i'm already 18 years old"
    Ooooooh boy! 😂😂😊
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    I started coding when I was 18.5 yo. And I am pretty sure, some devranters may have started even late.
    And, I am still way behind many young Devs. But, I never stop learning because when I fight for months on a single issue or a feature and when it fixed or roles out, that moment is just wonderful. And to experience such moments, I always keep on learning day by day, month by month and year by year.
    It's never too late to start what you like.

    And you did a create decision joining DevRant. That's a great way to have a fresh start and rethink and be motivated.

    Welcome to DevRant.
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    Lmao 18 is sooooo young. 3 years that means you started at 15. I started at 21 buddy and as long as you keep learning every day the meaning with come trust me. I have been coding for 4 years (25 now) and I still look at code and an like wtf? But sometime it takes exploring. If you don't know what object.methodCall() is go look it up in the docs and read about it. Most of the time it will clear things up. Books, tutorials and docs will get you where you need to be, but not without practice!
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    Been doing this for 10+ years now and I still look at things with “wtf are you trying to do here” at times. That feeling of thinking you don’t know everything never goes away, because no one knows everything.

    Use that to further yourself and keep learning, and doing.

    Welcome to the greatest place in the internets!!
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    Bro, really? If you like it just go for it and fuck everything else. Put all your time into it and never give up if you really like it.

    "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right."
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    I'm 18 and face the same issues with programming and developing. I'm behind others in my class, and I don't come home and eagerly jump on my PC and begin coding (and ranting) like many on this awesome community do. In my case, I couldn't see myself doing anything else and being happy. I love what I do, and in my case, I found that my work ethic needed a pick-me-up. I cannot understand where your heart lies for your career, but if you enjoy something enough and you can get good at it at the same time, you have found a career. Whatever you decide to pursue, I wish you a blessed journey! Find that calling! Merry Christmas!
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    You are a fucking baby, chill.
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    @DylanG you both suffer from the social glasses, you think everybody is super smart and code all day long.. they don't chill mother fuckers, enjoy life.

    How is it called? That syndrome were you see all happy pictures and traveled and shit im social media and then you get depressed because your life sucks?

    Wake up it is all a lie, you are looking at only the good moments, and probably fake too.

    So, chill, breath, do what you want to do, 18 years old is just baby age, you know nothing now and you will know nothing later, just chill, watch zeitgeist movies and carry on.
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    I'm in my twenties and still don't understand a lot of the sample code. That's okay. Just keep at it. Persistence is key.
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    What kind of sample code?
    There are enough samples of libraries out there that are frustratingly difficult. (Looking at you LLVM)
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