
Coding helped me make it this far. Everything in my life has been falling apart lately. My girlfriend left me to marry some other guy. My family's 20years old business shutdown. Things got very rough at work too. Unlike real life, coding makes sense to me. Everything is under control. It is a place where you build beautiful things the way you like them and help others. It has helped me take my mind off all the negativity and has given me a new perspective to life. Everything has a logic behind it. I can calm myself down by realizing the reasons behind the events happening in my life.
I love reading all the rants here. Thank you guys.

  • 12
    I broke up with my girlfriend recently too who just completely changed into someone else. I'm suffering from depression/anxiety too so it didn't help since it was a 5 year relationship which ended so quickly.

    I think the best thing I can say is to keep your chin up and carry on. Things will get better but it just takes time. Do what you enjoy the most and keep your mind occupied.
  • 2
    @owena thank you. That is what I am trying to do :)
  • 1
    @skords You're welcome! Have a good Christmas bud! :)
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