
Oh, sweet pre-christmas fresh linux install

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    I will also try it tonight
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    @jAsE It's more like an anti-virus though, hahaha
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    Christ, what does that have to do with anything?
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    Antergos is really nice. Don't forget to check the Arch website before updating though.

    Also Linux viruses do exist, use a condom and other general means of protection...
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    @Lahsen2016 Antergos is basically Arch but it's easy to install. Antergos uses a Gui installer.
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    I've been using antergos on my desktop for a few months and I love it. Never had any problems.
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    @Lahsen2016 the only real drawback from Ant is that it comes with some bloat (not much though). You do learn more from setting arch up from scratch but I can't really say is a major difference or drawback especially if you have used arch before.

    Like others said It's just arch Linux with a fancy installer with nice package selection and some additional default configuration
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    @hjk101 Sorry dude, I really didn't have anything better to come back with. I know my roll about Arch, it's just that this time I just wanted to get it done ASAP, and Antergos has worked pretty well for me on my workstation, so I choose to set it up on my personal laptop.
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    Antergos = Favorite Linux Distro
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    I love trying out different distros. Solus would be my go to if it had more packages in the package manager.

    Went with Hackintosh now
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    @LeFlawk Save time? I mean, there's times when you simply just want to get down a do something, instead of spend all day setting up your OS.
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    @LeFlawk ...and your point is?
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    @LeFlawk Just saying "x" does "y" doesn't disprove something, your logic isn't that flawless.

    Using Manjaro or Antergos it's kinda the same, you get flavored-arch out of the box, using the classic install mode of Arch Linux takes more time because there are times where the drivers aren't working (as is my case, wifi isn't working and I fucked up my Ethernet cables to do some electronics stuff) and you have to work your way around, and that takes time.

    Noted be that I never said that installing vanilla Arch Linux was hard, as you mentioned and I quote "...Arch Install is very easy..." and it is, everything it's easy when you know what you're doing.
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    @LeFlawk and for me, that never happened, package related, because hardware support has always been a hassle for me. Antergos, been using it since two years ago and it still kicks. So yeah, it all falls to a matter of preference.
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