

I know, I fucked up because I lost my backup codes, but tell me, WHY THE FUCK CAN'T YOU ANSWER AN EMAIL THAT IVE BEEN SENDING SINCE THREE WEEKS AGO?

You motherfuckers

  • 9
    You don't 'loose' backup codes... Write them down on a piece of paper and put them in a bank vault. Or just store them with lastpass.
  • 1
    @olback I usually don't write them nor put in online, I keep them on a safe place inside my HDD, but I forgot to back it up, and when I realized, it was too late.
  • 3
    @Pointer not DOs fault?
  • 1
    @JoshBent That's why I said that it was my fault for losing them, but they haven't been able to answer back my mail in three weeks! I mean, they have the support area for something, otherwise they should say "Sorry sir, you can't bother us, we only sell you our product, but fuck off if you need something"
  • 3
    a few months ago i sent them an email and they got back to me in twenty minutes, and i wasnt/never have been a customer
  • 3
    @Pointer to be honest all the 4 times that I did actually need support - they answered in like 30/40 minutes even on a sunday, maybe your email config is fucked and gets automatically rejected, but the rejection notice fails to deliver?
  • 2
    @JoshBent I'm actually using their contact form, so...maybe that one it's broken
  • 3
    But the answer it being sent to the emailaddress you provided in the form.

    Also, having backupcodes on a drive is like asking for trouble lol
  • 0
    @Linux I know, I know, I already understood my mistake 😫

    Anyways, the mail I give in the form it's my personal one, the one that also handles the DO account.

    Also, they have this "link" where they say that if you're already a client, open a ticket, and guess what? I have to login...fml
  • 0
    It's your fault, care to better secure your security codes in the future.
  • 1
    Thank you so much, if you have never ever pointed out that it's my fault, never in this fucking life would I've ever wondered! Have been so blind my entire life! *Mindblown*

    Wait, let me fix this, now I'll buy a ticket to fly to DO headquarters, apologize to the CEO and say "here, charge me whatever you want, it's my fucking fault. BTW, can I have a position in the support department? I really want to answer back those five fucking thousand pending mails"
  • 3
    @Pointer I love your imagination
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