
This made my day so much! (The stickers quality is awesome by the way, much better than I expected)

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    @hube 😂 j'en profite !
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    Strasbourg France.... THERE ARE BIG DATACENTERS THERE!
  • 4
    Complex numbers, what an awesome thing... 🙃
    Had to prove every field axiome for the field of complex numbers in my last homework 😅
  • 2
    @n3xus I'm living right next to the OVH Datacenters ! 😁
  • 3
    @DataSec I'm not quite there yet 😂
  • 3
    @Tahaga that is awesome. I would bet your ping is quite low to 90% of websites 😂
  • 1
    I see you cut out some √-1 on the right of your paper...
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    @Tahaga Hope for you, you never will 😂
  • 0
    @hube That would be the easy way, but in the module we dealed with those numbers, rings weren't introduced, just the field axiomes :D
    That made it quite unlucky 😅
    We had to do it for the rational numbers too, which was much easier but of course they defined some new multiplication and addition to make it harder for the rational numbers 😁
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    @Mitiko where? I don't remember that 🤔🤔
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    @Tahaga Up right in the image
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    @Autism420 honnestly not, there's nothing to show off here, that's just some basic homework I was doing for school, nothing to be proud of 😂 only thing I arranged was the sticker to hide my Name/Adress
  • 1
    @hube 42... The answer is 42.
  • 1
    @singh029 devducks are definitely welcome 😇
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