
Merge conflicts are such a pain in the ass 😥

  • 3
    A good diff tool makes it easy as pie :)
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    @CluelessBanana what would you recommend? 🤔 If heard of GitKraken, but never actually used. To be honest never used any kind of tool 😅
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    @CluelessBanana A diff tool is not that useful when your team messed with your code and they're not around to explain what they did
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    @DataSec I use the tools provided by the IDE I work with
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    @Darmark What IDE do you use ?
  • 1
    @DataSec Phpstorm by Jet Brains. They have one for every language. I highly recommend you to give it a try
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    @Darmark I use that too 😁
    I also use IntelliJ for Java and CLion for C++ :D
    I really love it. I knew about their nice VCS tools, but I have never known about merge conflict support 🤔
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    GitKraken, aside from the incredible name has a great merge conflict tool. No worries about if it's installed, did you save, did you close. Just a simple straight forward process right there where you need it.
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    @DataSec I use IntelliJ, I think the Git Resolve Conflicts works excellent :)
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    @CluelessBanana Well then I should definitely try that 😁
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    @DataSec Yeah you can easily compare version and move changes between them. You can also compare with other branches or even deployed version. It's really cool
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    I either use any of the Jetbrains IDEs, or
    vimdiff with fugitive plugin (:Ggdiff/[c/]c/:diffget/:diffput/:Gwrite)
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    Intellij idea git conflicts resolver works for me
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    Visual Studio, IntelliJ, VS Code.
    I switch between these and they are brilliant. Because I've been using VS , I'm comfortable there but either of these are nice.
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